Friday, June 06, 2008

No, I did NOT visit your site, and I do NOT want to start a business.

I can't believe it. Spam is getting so personalized now that I got one that actually addressed me by name, said that she enjoyed my blog and mentioned it by name and added that the title of it kind of reflects her life right now, and that I visited her web site a week or so ago.

1) Part of me wonders if it's just a coincidence and a machine is still just name-dropping by way of mail merge, SQL, or any other automated technique.

2) If my theory is incorrect and living people are really reading this, let this be known to all who read my blog: I DID NOT VISIT YOUR PISS-ANT LITTLE WEB SITE AND ASK FOR MORE INFORMATION, unless you're the Chicago Transit Authority explaining why the subway turnstile wouldn't let me through but when I scanned my transit card a second time suddenly I was given four transfers. If you e-mail me claiming that you read my blog and tell me that I visited your stupid web site and asked for more information on starting a stupid business, your e-mail will go straight to Knujon, who will work to shut your stupid server down.

Whaddya think of that?

Or since the e-mail was untruthful, could this count as mail fraud? And I could have you prosecuted, just like I'm going to do to Doc Watters of Denver, who somehow got my snail mail address and mailed me a pyramid scheme?

Oh, the things I would love to do, but it's illegal and probably against every religion, so I can't. Oh well.


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