Wednesday, March 05, 2008

We can work it out.

I'm really in a quandary.

My wife and I recently joined the Y so we can get into some sort of shape. She has prior commitments tonight, so I figured I'd stop at the Y on the way home and do a workout for an hour or so. But I'm having second thoughts...yeah, I'm overweight and I really would like to know what it's like to be slim. I have some things to consider...
  • I'm dead tired, and it's the middle of the afternoon. There's no way I'm going to get enough energy to do an hour of cardio by 6:00.
  • I can't go anywhere without hearing about the Obama vs. Hillary thing. I want to get the hell away from politics. I know damn well I'll be hearing it in the radio at the Y, seeing it on the TV sets, etc. At least if I go home, I can go into another room and work on some projects.
  • Locker rooms annoy me...the concrete scent, finding a locker, wading through crowds, and...looking at other people's dicks. I have no problem undressing in front of other people, and I don't care if someone else sees me nekked, but...I just don't want to see other people nekked. I recently saw one of my coworkers there, completely in the buff. I wish I hadn't. Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad-looking guy, and he's in pretty good shape, but I really don't want to see him without clothes on.
  • I forgot to bring a towel with me, so showering isn't an option, and I'd be taking public transit home. If I had the car it wouldn't be a problem, as it only takes a few minutes to drive home from there, but mass transit takes longer, and that means my sweat and B.O. would be making their acquaintance with other passengers...and the CTA Red Line is bad enough as it is.
Am I just making excuses? No, not really. but what the heck do I do? *sigh* ah well...


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