Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So, just what is Scattered Frog?

I realize it's been over a month since my newest post. Too long! And I figured that the first post of 2006 would be to introduce Scattered Frog to the world of blog readers.

So what exactly is Scattered Frog? Dunno. It'd be a lot easier to explain the many things it isn't, to be honest with you. I can tell you that Scattered Frog was conceived in late December 1999, possibly on the day the news got out that George Harrison had been stabbed. Scattered Frog was conceived when a weather reporter on New Jersey 101.5 almost misread a portion of the report that was warning about scattered fog in the area.

Scattered Frog might not be a frog at all, but maybe one person. Or many persons. You'll get to know Scattered Frog most likely in a series of what many people call "podcasts." (Folks, look...they've been around for many years, long before the iPod came about....they're called "mp3 files.") Maybe CDs. God knows what.

Scattered Frog is you. It's me. It's Jesus. It's Touch Connors. Scattered Frog is Charlotte Rae. It's whatever you make it to be.

That's all I have to say about that for now. In the mean time, here are some funny place names:

Blue Ball, Pennsylvania
Crested Butte, Colorado
Crotch Lake, Ontario
Gayhead, Massachusetts [my personal favorite]
Sac City, Iowa

and of course, my current state of residence has a few of its own:

Drumthwacket (the governor's house)